Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Cheat dan Trik Harvest Moon Friends of mineral Town GBA

       Game ini emang salah satu game yang susah tamatnya. Aku yang kayak gini aja gak bisa-bisa namatinnya. Tapi dalam game ini banyak cheat dan triknya lho.... Cheatnyanya bisa kamu lihat dibwah ini caranya gampang kok cuma pake Code Breaker yang ada di VisualBoyAdvancenya kok. Caranya:
1. Buka VisualBoyAdvance
2. Buka  Harvest Moon Friends of mineral Town
3. Clik Cheat (yang ada di atas, sebelahnya Options)
4. Lalu pilih Cheat list
5. Pilh kode breaker dan masukkan cheat dan describtionya. Contoh Descrebtion: Slot 1 Cheat: 32004238 000F. (yang Describtion itu yang bisa dibaca kata-katanya dan yang Code masukin pasword yang ada di bawah sini.)
6. Masukan pasword yang ada dibawah ini. (cheatnya ada banyak gunanya juga macem-macem jadi aku buat kayak yang ini gak papa kan guys)
Cheat merubah alat
Cara menggunakan nya harus hati hati. Bila tidak hati hati bisa merubah semua alat(cheat ini mengubah alat alat yang ada di slot yang kamu tentukan contonya kamu ngisi yang slot 1 maka semua benda yang ditaruh di slot 1 akn berubah jadi bend yang kamu ingnkan. Cara supaya cuma satu benda yang berubah yaitu kalo kamu dah dapet bendanya  langsung di remove cheatnya caranya sama kayak masukin cheatnya tapi cuma sampai buka Cheat listnya saja lalu clik cheatnya dan clik remove/disabled yang ada di bawah).
.Pertamatama msukkan cheat slot lalu rubah huruf yy pada cheat itu
Cheat slot:
32004238 00yy: Slot 1
3200423A 00yy: Slot 2
3200423C 00yy: Slot 3
3200423E 00yy: Slot 4
32004240 00yy: Slot 5
32004242 00yy: Slot 6
32004244 00yy: Slot 7
32004246 00yy: Slot 8
00: Sickle
01: Copper Sickle
02: Silver Sickle
03: Gold Sickle
04: Mystrile Sickle
05: Cursed Sickle
06: Blessed Sickle
07: Mythic Sickle
08: Hoe
09: Copper Hoe
0A: Silver Hoe
0B: Gold Hoe
0C: Mystrile Hoe
0D: Cursed Hoe
0E: Blessed Hoe
0F: Mythic Hoe
10 : Axe
11: Copper Axe
12: Silver Axe
13: Gold Axe
14: Mystrile Axe
15: Cursed Axe
16: Blessed Axe
17: Mythic Axe
18: Hammer
19: Copper Hammer
1A: Silver Hammer
1B: Gold Hammer
1C: Mystrile Hammer
1D: Cursed Hammer
1E: Blessed Hammer
1F: Mythic Hammer
20: Watering Can
21: Copper Watering Can
22: Silver Watering Can
23: Gold Watering Can
24: Mystrile Watering Can
25: Cursed Watering Can
26: Blessed Watering Can
27: Mythic Watering Can
28: Fishing Rod
29: Copper Fishing Rod
2A: Silver Fishing Rod
2B: Gold Fishing Rod
2C: Mystrile Fishing Rod
2D: Cursed Fishing Rod
2E: Blessed Fishing Rod
2F: Mythic Fishing Rod
30: Cow Miracle Potion
31: Sheep Miracle Potion
32: Turnip Seeds
33: Potato Seeds
34: Cucumber Seeds
35: Strawberry Seeds
36: Cabbage Seeds
37: Tomato Seeds
38: Corn Seeds
39: Onion Seeds
3A: Pumpkin Seeds
3B: Pineapple Seeds
3C: Eggplant Seeds
3D: Carrot Seeds
3E: Sweet Potato Seeds
3F: Spinach Seeds
40: Green Pepper Seeds
41: Grass Seeds
42: Moon Drop Seeds
43: Pink Cat Seeds
44: Magic Seeds
45: Toy Flower Seeds
46: Brush
47: Milker
48: Shears
49: Bell
4A: Animal Medicine
4B: Blue Feather
4C: Pedometer
4D: Teleport Stone
4E: Gem of the Goddess
4F: Gem of the Kappa
50: Gem of the Truth
ingat bila setelah menggunakan cheat harus langsung di remove/disabled(di tidak aktifkan)
{Cheat ini dijamin bisa}

Cheat merubah barang
Cara menggunakan nya sama dengan cheat alat
Cheat slot:
32004214 yyyy: Slot 1
32004218 yyyy: Slot 2
3200421C yyyy: Slot 3
32004220 yyyy: Slot 4
32004224 yyyy: Slot 5
32004228 yyyy: Slot 6
3200422C yyyy: Slot 7
32004230 yyyy: Slot 8
0000: Turnip
0100: Potato
0200: Cucumber
0300: Strawberry
0400: Cabbage
0500: Tomato
0600: Corn
0700: Onion
0800: Pumpkin
0900: Pineapple
0A00: Eggplant
0B00: Carrot
0C00: Sweet Potato
0D00: Spinach
0E00: Green Pepper
0F00: Regular Quality Egg
1000: Good Quality Egg
1100: High Quality Egg
1200: Golden Egg
1300: P Egg
1400: X Egg
1500: Spa-Boiled Egg
1600: Mayonnaise (S)
1700: Mayonnaise (M)
1800: Mayonnaise (L)
1900: Mayonnaise (G)
1A00: Mayonnaise (P)
1B00: Mayonnaise (X)
1C00: Milk (S)
1D00: Milk (M)
1E00: Milk (L)
1F00: Milk (G)
2000: Milk (P)
2100: Milk (X)
2200: Cheese (S)
2300: Cheese (M)
2400: Cheese (L)
2500: Cheese (G)
2600: Cheese (P)
2700: Cheese (X)
2800: Apple
2900: Honey
2A00: Bamboo Shoot
2B00: Wild Grapes
2C00: Mushroom
2D00: Poisonous Mushroom
2E00: Truffle
2F00: Blue Grass
3000: Green Grass
3100: Red Grass
3200: Yellow Grass
3300: Orange Grass
3400: Purple Grass
3500: Indigo Grass
3600 :Black Grass
3700: White Grass
3800: Queen of the Night
3900: Bodigizer
3A00: Bodigizer XL
3B00: Turbojolt
3C00: Turbojolt XL
3D00: Wine
3E00: Grape Juice
3F00: Rice Ball
4000: Bread
4100: Oil
4200: Flower
4300: Curry Powder
4400: Muffin Mix
4500: Chocolate
4600: Relaxation Tea Leaves
4700: SUGDW Apple
4800: HMSGB Apple
4900: AEPFE Apple
4A00: Buckwheat Flour
4B00: Wild Grape Wine
4C00: Salad
4D00: Curry Rice
4E00: Stew
4F00: Miso Soup
5000: Stir Fry
5100: Fried Rice
5200: Savory Pancake
5300: Sandwich
5400: Fruit Juice
5500: Vegetable
5600: Mixed Juice
5700: Fruit Latte
5800: Vegetable Latte
5900: Mixed Latte
5A00: Strawberry Smoothie
5B00: Strawberry Jam
5C00: Tomato Juice
5D00: Pickled Turnip
5E00: French Fries
5F00: Pickles
6000: Ketchup
6100: Popcorn
6200: Corn Flakes
6300: Baked Corn
6400: Pineapple Juice
6500: Pumpkin Pudding
6600: Pumpkin Stew
6700: Happy Eggplant
6800: Sweet Potatoes
6900: Baked Sweet Potato
6A00: Greens
6B00: Scrambled Eggs
6C00: Omelet
6D00: Omelet Rice
6E00: Boiled Egg
6F00: Hot Milk
7000: Butter
7100: Cheese Cake
7200: Cheese Fondue
7300: Apple Pie
7400: Apple Jam
7500: Apple Souffle
7600: Mushroom Rice
7700: Bamboo Rice
7800: Truffle Rice
7900: Sushi
7A00: Jam Bun
7B00: Dinner Roll
7C00: Raisin Bread
7D00: Grape Jam
7E00: Curry Bread
7F00: Sashimi
8000: Grilled Fish
8100: Sahimi Mix
8200: Pizza
8300: Noodles
8400: Curry Noodles
8500: Tempura Noodles
8600: Fried Noodles
8700: Buckwheat Noodles
8800: Tempura Buckwheat Noodles
8900: Fried Noodles
8A00: Buckwheat Chips
8B00: Cookies
8C00: Chocolate Cookies
8D00: Tempura
8E00: Ice Cream
8F00: Cake
9000: Chocolate Cake
9100: Relaxation Tea
9200: Toast
9300: French Toast
9400: Pudding
9500: Mountain Stew
9600: Moon Dumplings
9700: Rice Cake
9800: Roasted Rice Cake
9900 : Elli Leaves
A000: Small Fish
A100: Medium Fish
A200: Large Fish
A300: Toasted Rice Ball
A400: Tempura Rice
A500: Egg Over Rice
A600: Rice Gruel
A700: Pancakes
A800: Fish Sticks
A900: Candied Potato
AA00: Potato Pancakes
0001: Moon Drop Grass
0101: Pink Cat Grass
0201: Blue Magic Grass
0301: Red Magic Grass
0401: Toy Flower
0501: Wool (S)
0601: Wool (M)
0701: Wool (L)
0801: Wool (G)
0901: Wool (P)
0A01: Wool (X)
0B01: Yarn (S)
0C01: Yarn (M)
0D01: Yarn (L)
0E01: Yarn (G)
0F01: Yarn (P)
1001: Yarn (X)
1101: Junk Ore
1201: Copper Ore
1301: Silver Ore
1401: Gold Ore
1501: Mithril Ore
1601: Orichalc Ore
1701: Adamantite Ore
1801: Moon Stone
1901: Sand Rose
1A01: Pink Diamond
1B01: Alexandrite
1C01: Mythic Stone
1D01: Diamond
1E01: Emerald
1F01: Ruby
2001: Topaz
2101: Peridot
2201: Fluorite
2301: Agate
2401: Amethyst
2501: Harvest Goddess Jewel
2601: Kappa Jewel
2701: Jewel of Truth
2C01: Bracelet
2D01: Necklace
2E01: Earrings
2F01 : Broach
3001: Weeds
3101: Stones
3201: Branches
3301: Recipe for French Fries
3401: Recipe for Ketchup
3501: Ball
3601: Pirate Treasure
3701: Fossil of Ancient Fish
3801: Empty Can
3901: Boots
3A01: Fish Bones
3B01: Karen's Wine
3C01: Popuri's Mud Ball
3D01: Ann's Music Box
3E01: Mary's Great Book
3F01: Elli's Pressed Flower
4001: Album 1
4101: Album 2
4201: Album 3
4301: Album 4
4401: Album 5
4501: Album 6
4601: Album 7
4701: Album 8
4801: Album 9
4901: Album 10
4F01: Band-Aid
5001: Book from Harvest Goddess
5101: Perfume
5201: Photo
5301: Plant Encyclopedia
5401: Invitation
5501: Dress
5601: Facial Pack
5701: Skin Lotion
5801: Sunblock
5901: Lumber
5A01: Golden Lumber
5B01: Animal Fodder
5C01: Chicken Feed
5D01: Certificate
5E01: Frisbee
Benda bisa berubah sesuai benda yang diingkan asalkan yang dimasukkan adalah benda yang bisa berubah sesuai yang diharapkan ( contoh: barangtambang di spring mine bisa berubah jadi telur yang minimal spa boiled egg)

Cheat Bangunan:
820025D8 000F: Have The Villa, The Beach House & The Mountain Cabbin
82002BC8 FF01: Have Improved Barn
820027CC 009A: Have Frig, Bathroom, Shelves and ALL Upgrades on house
820027CD FF9A
820027CF FF00
820027D0 FFFF
820027D1 FFFF
820029E8 FFFF: Have Upgraded Chicken House

Cheat untuk menikah instan
320044A6 FFFF: Instant Marrage To Karen!
320044D2 FFFF: Instant Marrage To Elle!
32004526 FFFF: Instant Marrage To Ann!
32004416 FFFF: Instant Marrage To Mary!
3200435A FFFF: Instant Marrage To Popuri!
820045a6 FFFF: Instant Marrage To The Harvest Goddess!

Cheat hati penuh
820045F0 FFFF: Max Affection From The Red Harvest Sprite
82004614 FFFF: Max Affection From The Orange Harvest Sprite
82004638 FFFF: Max Affection From The Yellow Harvest Sprite
8200465C FFFF: Max Affection From The Green Harvest Sprite
82004680 FFFF: Max Affection From The Blue Harvest Sprite
820046A4 FFFF: Max Affection From The Purple Harvest Sprite
820046C8 FFFF: Max Affection From The Aquamarine Harvest Sprite

320044A5 00FF: Red Heart For Karen
320044D1 00FF: Red Heart For Elle
32004525 00FF: Red Heart For Ann
32004415 00FF: Red Heart For Mary
32004359 00FF: Red Heart For Popuri
820045A4 FFFF: Red Heart For Harvest Goddess

(semua Cheat disini pasti bisa kalau tidak bisa mohon maaf)

Trik-trik dan rahasianya (^^)

Nah ini dia tanggal lahir semua orang di game ini (Kasih mereka hadiah, kelak mereka bisa membantu kamu) :


04 Bold:
08 Goddess (Alternate date; 9th)
11 Saibara
15 Staid
16 Elli (Alternate date; 20th)
17 Barley
26 Aqua
30 Sasha


03 Popuri (Alternate date; 10th)
04 Harris
06 Cliff
11 Basil
16 Timid
17 Ann (Alternate date; 22nd)
22 Kai
25 Mayor Thomas
29 Zack


02 Gotz
05 Stu
10 Hoggy
11 Manna
14 Chef
15 Karen (Alternate date; 23rd)
19 Doctor
20 Pastor Carter
23 Anna
27 Rick


06 Gray
11 Doug
13 Ellen
15 Duke
19 Won
20 Mary (Alternate date; 25th)
22 Nappy
26 May
29 Jeff.

Yg ini adalah tempat-tempat barang tambang(perhiasan di winter mine) dan harganya
Moonstone: Sells for 55G: Any level ending in "8"
Sand Rose: Sells for 60G: Any level ending in "9"
Agate: Sells for 62G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Amethyst: Sells for 62G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Flourite: Sells for 65G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Peridot: Sells for 68G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Topaz: Sells for 75G: All levels except; 50, 100,150 , 200
Ruby: Sells for 78G: All levels except: 50, 100, 150, 200
Emerald: Sells for 80G: Any level ending in "5", or below level 200
Diamond: Sells for 100G: Any level ending in "0", or below level 200
Alexandrite: Sells for 10,000G: Levels 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and below
Pink Diamond: Sells for 10,000G: Levels 30, 60, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190, and 255

Dan ini adalah semua resep yang ada..

Page 1:
Mayonnasie (s) = Reglar Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (m) = Good Egg + Oil + Vinergar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (l) = High Quality Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (g) = Gold Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (p) = P Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (x) = X Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk ///// Mayonnaise (s) +
Mayonnaise (m) + Mayonnaise (l) + Mayonnaise (g) + Mayonnaise (p)
X Egg = Regular Egg + Good Egg + High Quality Egg + Gold Egg + P Egg
Milk (x) = Milk (s) + Milk (m) + Milk (l) + Milk (g) + Milk (p)

Page 2:
Cheese (x) = Cheese (s) + Cheese (m) + Cheese (l) + Cheese (g) + Cheese (p)
Wild Grape Juice = Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass + Pot
Pickles = Cucumber + Salt
Salad = Cucumber + Knife ///// Tomato + Knife ///// Carrot + Knife /////
Cabbage + Knife
Curry Rice = Curry Powder + Rice Balls + Pot
Stew = Flour + Milk (s) + Salt + Pot
Miso Soup = Miso + Salt + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Pot
Stir Fry = Cabbage + Oil + Soy Sauce + Knife + Frying Pan

Page 3:
Fried Rice = Rice Balls + Oil + Egg (s) + Frying Pan
Savory Pancake = Cabbage + Oil + Flour + Egg (s) + Frying Pan + Knife
Sandwitch = Tomato + Bread + Knife ///// Cucumber + Bread + Knife ///// Cooked
Egg + Bread + Knife
Fruit Juice = Apple + Mixer ///// Apple + Grape Juice + Honey + Pinapple + Milk
(l) + Sugar + Mixer ///// Strawberry + Mixer
Fruit Latte = Fruit Juice + Milk (s) + Mixer

Veggie Juice = Cucumber + Mixer ///// Cabbage + Mixer
Mixed Juice = (ANY FRUIT) + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Mixer ///// Fruit Juice + Veggie
Juice + Mixer
Veggie Latte = Veggie Jiuce + Milk (s)

Page 4:
Mixed Latte = Milk (s) + (ANY FRUIT) + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Mixer ///// Milk (s) +
Mixed Juice + Mixer ///// Milk (s) + Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer
Pickled Turnips = Turnip + Vinegar + Knife
French Fries = Potato + Oil + Frying Pan + Knife
Strawberry Jam = Strawberry + Sugar + Pot
Strawberry Milk = Strawberry + Milk (s) + Mixer
Tomato Juice = Tomato + Salt + Mixer
Ketchup = Tomato + Onion + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar + Mixer
Popcorn = Corn + Frying Pan

Page 5:
Corn Flakes = Corn + Rolling Pin + Oven ///// Corn + Rolling Pin + Frying Pan
Baked Corn = Corn + Oven
Pineapple Juice = Pineapple + Mixer
Pumpkin Pudding = Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Pumpkin + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Pumpkin Stew = Pumpkin + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Pot
Happy Eggplant = Eggplant + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Miso + Frying Pan
Sweet Potatoes = Butter + Egg (s) + Sweet Potato + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Baked Sweet Potatoes = Sweet Potato + Oven ///// Sweet Potato + Butter + Stone
+ Sugar + Salt + Oven

Page 6:
Greens = Spinich + Soy Sauce + Pot
Scrambled Eggs = Egg (s) + Oil + Frying Pan
Omelet = Egg (s) + Oil + Milk (s) + Frying Pan
Omelet Rice = Egg (s) + Oil + Milk (s) + Rice Balls + Frying Pan
Boiled Egg = Egg (s) + Pot
Pudding = Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Hot Milk = Milk (s) + Sugar + Pot
Butter = Milk (s) + Mixer

Page 7:
Cheese Cake = Cheese (s) + Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot + Oven
Cheese Fondue = Cheese (s) + Bread + Pot
Apple Pie = Apple + Egg (s) + Butter + Flour + Sugar + Knife + Pot + Rolling
Pin + Oven
Apple Jam = Apple + Sugar + Pot
Apple Souffle = Apple + Frying Pan ///// SUGDW Apple + Frying Pan ///// HMSGB
Apple + Frying Pan ///// AEPFE Apple + Frying Pan
Bamboo Rice = Bamboo Shoot + Rice Balls
Grape Jam = Wild Grape + Sugar + Pot
Grape Juice = Wild Grapes + Honey + Salt + Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Salt +
Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Honey + Sugar + Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Sugar +

Page 8:
Mushroom Rice = Mushroom + Rice Balls
Truffle Rice = Truffle + Rice Balls
Sushi = Sashimi + Vinegar + Rice Balls
Jam Bun = Apple Jam + Bread ///// Strawberry Jam + Bread
Dinner Roll = Bread + Butter
Raisin Bread = Bread + Wild Grapes
Curry Bread = Bread + Curry Powder + Oil + Frying Pan
Toast = Bread + Oven

Page 9:
French Toast = Bread + Egg (s) + Sugar + Oil + Frying Pan
Sashimi = Fish (m) + Knife ///// Fish (l) + Knife
Grilled Fish = Fish (m) + Oil + Salt + Soy Sauce + Frying Pan
Chirashi Sushi = Scrambled Eggs + Sashimi + Vinegar + Rice Balls + Knife
Pizza = Cheese (s) + Flour + Ketchup + Rolling Pin + Oven
Noodles = Flour + Pot + Knife + Rolling Pin
Curry Noodles = Noodles + Curry Powder + Pot
Tempura Noodles = Tempura + Noodles + Pot ///// Flour + Tempura + Pot + Rolling
Pin + Knife

Page 10:
Fried Noodles = Noodles + Oil + Egg (s) + Frying Pan
Buckwheat Noodles = Buckwheat Flour + Egg (s) + Knife + Rolling Pin + Pot
Noodles w/Tempura = Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot ///// Buckwheat Flour +
Tempura + Pot + Knife + Rolling Pin
Fried Noodles = Buckwheat Noodles + Egg (s) + Oil + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce
+ Frying Pan
Buckwheat Ships = Buckwheat Noodles + Pot + Rolling Pin
Tempura = Flour + Egg (s) + Oil + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Frying Pan
Mountain Stew = Carrot + Mushroom + Bamboo Shoots + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Knife +
Moon Dumpling = Dumpling Powder + Sugar

Page 11:
Roasted Rice Cake = Rice Cake + Soy Sauce + Oven
Toasted Rice Balls = Rice Balls + Soy Sauce + Oven
Rice Gruel = Rice Balls + Salt + Pot
Tempura Rice = Rice Balls + Salt + Tempura
Egg Over Rice = Egg (s) + Rice Balls + Salt + Soy Sauce + Pot
Candied Potato = Sweet Potato + Honey + Sugar + Pot
Potato Pancakes = Potato + Onion + Egg (s) + Oil + Flour + Salt + Knife +
Frying Pan
Fish Sticks = Fish (m) + Salt + Mixer

Page 12:
Cookies = Flour + Egg (s) + Butter + Oven + Sugar + Rolling Pin
Chocolate Cookies = Flour + Egg (s) + Chocolates + Butter + Sugar + Oven +
Rolling Pin
Ice Cream = Milk (s) + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot
Cake = Butter + Flour + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Oven
Chocolate Cake = Choclates + Butter + Flour + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Oven
Pancakes = Flour + Oil + Butter + Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Honey + Sugar + Whisk +
Frying Pan
Relaxation Tea = Relax Tea Leaves + Pot
SUGDW Apple = Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple
HMSGB Apple = Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple
AEPFE Apple = Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple
Bodigizer = Honey + Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magic Grass + Pot
Bodigizer XL = Bidigizer + Blue Grass + Mixer
Turbojolt = Honey + Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magic Flower + Pot
Turbojolt XL = Turbojolt + Green Grass + Mixer
Relax Tea Leaves = Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass +
Purple Grass + Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Frying Pan + Knife
Elli Leaves = 6 Different Types Of Burnt Food + Bodigizer XL + Turbojolt XL +
Knife + Frying Pan + Oven + Sugar + Pot + Salt + Vinegar + Miso + Soy Sauce

Page 14:
Spring Sun = Blue Magic Grass + Red Magic Gass + Moondrop Flower + Pinkcat
Flower + Toy Flower
Summer Sun = Fish (s) + Fish (m) + Fish (l) + Fossil Of Ancient Fish + Pirate
Autumn Sun = Cheese (x) + Mayonaise (x) + Egg (x) + Milk (x) + Wool (x) + Yarn
Winter Sun = Alexandrite + Diamond + Emerald + Moonstone + Pink Diamond +
Mythic Stone + Sand Rose

Cara mendapatkan peralatan level 6^^:
Cursed Fishing Rod menggali on floor 29.
Cursed Hoe menggali on floor 39.
Cursed Hammer menggali on floor 59.
Cursed Watering Can menggali on floor 69.
Cursed Sickle menggali on floor 79.
Cursed Axe menggali on floor 49.

Cara mengembalikan peralatan level 6^^


Cursed Fishing Rod
Menggunakannya 255 kali

Cursed Hoe
Carter memberkati itu ada 10 kali

Cursed Axe
Menggunakannya 255 kali

Cursed Hammer
Have it equipped for 10 days straight

Cursed Watering Can Cursed penyiram
Carter memberkati itu ada 10 kali
Cursed Sickle
cuma 10 hari berlangsung

Peralatan di HM (Sory, i used english^^)
Copper: 1,000G + 1 Copper Ore:

Hoe: Til a 2x1 section of land.
Sickle: Cut a 1x3 section of grass, weeds, crops.
Axe: Chop a treestump. Takes 6 hits to do so.
Hammer: Smash a large stone with 3 hits, but can't smash boulders
Watering Can: Water a 1x3 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch small or medium fish

Silver: 2,000G + 1 Silver Ore:

Hoe: Til a 1x3 section of land
Sickle: Cut a 2x3 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 3 hits.
Hammer: Break a large stone in 2 hits, break a boulder with 6 hits.
Watering Can: Water a 2x3 section of land.
Fishing pole: Catch small and medium fish.

Gold: 3,000G + 1 Gold Ore:

Hoe: Til a 1x4 strip of land.
Sickle: Cut a 3x3 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 2 hits.
Hammer: Break a large stone with 1 hit, a boulder with 3 hits, but can't break up a Huge Boulder.
Watering Can: Water a 3x3 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch medium and large fish.

Mystrile: 5,000G + 1 Mystrile Ore:

Hoe: Til a 1x6 strip of land.
Sickle: Cut a 5x5 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 1 hit
Hammer: Break a boulder with 2 hits, but can't break the huge boulder.
Watering Can: Water a 3x5 section of land
Fishing Pole: Catch large fish, can catch the Powerberry in Winter, and the Recipe Bottle in the Spring.


Cursed and Blessed tools are a little different. They are a seprate set of tools. You need to dig to find the Cursed tools in the Winter/ Lake Mine. Once you locate the Cursed tool you have to follow a certain method to change them into Blessed Tools. Cursed tools are a huge drain on your characters fatigue to use. Blessed tools can do as much as a Cursed Tool, but don't require as much stamina to do so.


Hoe: Til a 12x3 section of land (Lev. 39)
Sickle: Cut a 9x9 section of grass, weeds, or crops. (Lev. 79)
Axe: Chop all tree stumps on current screen with 1 hit. (Lev. 49)
Hammer: Break boulder/ huge boulder with 1 hit. (Lev. 59)
Watering Can: Water a 6x13 square of land. (Lev. 69)
Fishing Pole: Catch large fish, Kingfish, Pirate Treasure, and Ancient Fossils. (Lev. 29)


Hoe: Have Carter Bless it 10 times. Will cost 10,000G total to do so.
Sickle: Keep it equiped for 10 days straight
Axe: Use tool 255 times
Hammer: Keep it equiped for 10 days straight
Watering Can: Have Carter Bless it 10 times. Will cost 10,000G total to do so.
Fishing Pole: Use tool 255 times.

Once you've been able to change all your Cursed Tools into Blessed ones, a new ore will appear in the Spring Mine. The Mythic Ore can be found on the 60th level or below. You can use that ore to convert your Blessed Tools into their final form.

Mythic: 50,000G + 1 Mythic Ore + Blessed Tool:

Hoe: Til a 18x5 section of land.
Sickle: Cut a 15x15 square of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop all tree stumps on current screen, using only 50% energy to do so.
Hammer: Break all rocks/ boulders/ huge boulders on screen.
Watering Can: Water a 12x21 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch all sizes of fish, kingfish, and increases odds for catching pirate Treasure and Ancient Fossils.

Ukuran hasil PETERNAKAN (maap masih pake inggris kalau mau bahasa indonya pake google translate ya ^^)
The price of Milk:
100G Milk: Small
150G Milk: Medium
200G Milk: Large
300G Milk: Gold
500G Milk: P
800G Milk: X

Small Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Medium Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
Large Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Cow Festival.
P Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Cow Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Milk: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P Milk producing cow.

the price of cheese:
300G Cheese (S): Gained from Small Milk
400G Cheese (M): Gained from Medium Milk
500G Cheese (L): Gained from Large Milk
600G Cheese (G): Gained from Golden Milk
750G Cheese (P): Gained from P Milk
1500G Cheese (X): Gained from X Milk

The price of Wool:
100G Wool: Small
400G Wool: Medium
500G Wool: Large
600G Wool: Gold
1000G Wool: P
2000G Wool: X

Small Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Medium Wool: The Wool your sheep produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
Large Wool: The wool your Sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, and it has won the Sheep Festival.
P Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, and it has won the Sheep Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Wool: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P Wool producing sheep.

The price of yarn:
300G Yarn (S): Gained from Small Wool
700G Yarn (M): Gained from Medium Wool
800G Yarn (L): Gained from Large Wool
1000G Yarn (G): Gained from Golden Wool
1500G Yarn (P): Gained from P Wool
4000G Yarn (X): Gained from X Wool

The price of eggs..
050G Egg: Regular
060G Egg: Good
080G Egg: High
080G Spa-Boiled Egg
150G Egg: Gold
180G Egg: P
350G Egg: X

Regular Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Good Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
High Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Chicken Festival.
P Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, has won the Chicken Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Egg: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P egg producing chicken.

The price of mayonnaise
100G Mayonnaise (S): dari Regular Quality Egg
150G Mayonnaise (M): dari Good Quality Egg
200G Mayonnaise (L): dari High Quality Egg
300G Mayonnaise (G): dari Golden Egg
450G Mayonnaise (P): Gained from a P Egg
800G Mayonnasie (X): Gained from an X Egg